Laal Sharbat
Refreshing, Cooling and Hydrating Laal Sharbat/Red Rose Syrup

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Laal Sharbat

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Adjust Servings:
2 tbsp Tragacanth Gum (Gond Katira)
3 Cups Water
1 & ½ Cups Water
2 Sticks Sandalwood soaked in water for 5-6 hours
1/4 Cup Rose Petals dried
½ Cup Water
1 kg Sugar
½ Liter Water
1 Pinch Citric Acid
1-2 tbsp Water
1/4 tsp Red food color or as required
1 tbsp Kewra Water
½ tsp Rooh Afzah Essence optional
1 Liter Water
½ Cup Laal Sharbat or to taste in the jug
Ice Cubes
Lemon Slices
  • 50 min
  • Serves 20
  • Medium




Laal Sharbat or Red Rose Syrup, a traditional beverage popular during Ramadan, is a refreshing drink that provides relief from the heat while breaking the fast. Its vibrant red color and sweet, tangy taste make it a beloved choice for iftar gatherings. This homemade recipe offers a simple way to prepare this delightful drink and enjoy its invigorating flavors.

Here’s the recipe for the most famous and refreshing Laal Sharbat;



  • In mortal & pestle, add tragacanth gum, crush coarsely & take out in a bowl.
  • Add water and soak for 10-15 minutes.
  • In a saucepan, add soaked tragacanth and water. Mix well and bring it to a boil. Cook on low flame for 2-3 minutes then strain & discard the gum & set aside the strained liquid for later use.
  • In a saucepan, add soaked sandals, dried rose petals, and water. Mix well and bring it to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes then strain well & set aside.
  • In the wok, add sugar, and water, mix well, and cook & stir until sugar dissolved (approx. 6-8 minutes).
  • Now add strained tragacanth gum water and mix well.
  • Add strained rose+sandal water, and citric acid and mix well.
  • If there is any scum on the surface end spoon it off.
  • In water, add red food color and mix well.
  • Add dissolve food color, mix well, and cook on low flame for 8-10 minutes & keep mixing in between.
  • Add kewra water, rooh afzah essence, mix well, and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • Let it cool down.
  • Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months (yields approx.2 litre).
  • In a jug, add water, laal sharbat, and mix well.
  • In a serving glass, add ice cubes, lemon slices and prepared laal sharbart & serve!

Nutritional information

90 Kcal
23 g


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